My impression, living in the UK, is that there is a growing awareness of this. I also think that there is a business opportunity here which could help accelerate society towards a lower consumption per person.
No more leaving an eating or serving establishment with a bloated feeling or guilt or embarrassment at having wasted a good proportion of the food when so many in the world are starving. Not only would this improve the customer experience it would mean, globally
- less energy wasted on food production and transport as well as lower fossil fuel emissions and less use of water
- reduced greenhouse emissions from food production and rotting waste
- customer trends towards smaller portions would be reinforced by price penalties for larger ones
- the habit of smaller helpings from caterers would spread to home eating habits
- food retailers would need to reflect the trend e.g. customers could have food dispensed in variable amounts by machines matched to reusable packaging
- farmers, retailers and caterers would have to concentrate on quality and customer demands to get the necessary profit margins
- less obesity in the developed world
- lower expenditure by health services on diabetes, hip replacement and heart problems
I invite someone to try this. If you do please email me and I might be your first customer. Or perhaps someone else somewhere in the world has already done this
John, author 2077 AD
reach me at
John, author 2077 AD
reach me at